Minutes count!
Someone who is severely bleeding can bleed to death in as little as 5 minutes. That’s why bleeding control—keeping the blood inside the body—is the purpose of STOP THE BLEED® training.
Stop the Bleed seeks to build personal resilience and safeguard the nation by empowering the public to stop life-threatening hemorrhage. Stop the Bleed recognizes that while the public is relatively well educated about layperson lifesaving for cardiac arrest and choking, there is no similar knowledge dissemination for traumatic emergencies. These online training resources are not intended to replace an in-person course but can give you some basic knowledge on how to care for a trauma victim until such time you can attend a course. Wapello County Emergency Management can conduct or facilitate training in your workplace, just contact us!

Interactive Stop the Bleed
To further the Stop the Bleed initiative, the National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health (NCDMPH) developed a series of educational tools to facilitate layperson tourniquet application. To access our educational website click on the Interactive link below or you can download our FREE app from the Google Play and Apple app stores (use links beow) for your phone and tablet. Both contain a 5-minute video, Q & A, a quiz, and other resources that NCDMPH created and researched. Share with your loved ones and friends.
Interactive TrainingGoogle Play Store appApple appTrain with a surgeon
Dr. Todd Costantini, MD, FACS from University of California, San Diego presents the full
Stop the Bleed course including video of some practical application with students in this 37 minute training below:
The Right Skills at the Right Time saves lives. Watch this success story
After an accident on the ski hill caused severe bleeding in skier Jonathan Davis, ski patrol personnel who had recently taken a STOP THE BLEED® course were able to quickly intervene and save Jonathan’s life.
What is in a Stop the Bleed kit?
This video shows what is in the kits that are in every school building in Wapello County. Regardless of brand, most kits contain these same components.
Resources: National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health https://www.usuhs.edu/ncdmph/stop-the-bleed American College of Surgeons Stop the Bleed program https://www.stopthebleed.org/